Tag Archives: drivers test


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Okay m furious, disappointed and sad all at the same time. Today I had my Driver’s Skill Test which I had been preparing for like 3 months now. The day was supposed to bring an end to that waiting and get rid of being dependent but guess what? I FAILED…big time! I dont handle failure very well but m more furious at the instructor.

I did the first exercise fine and parked on the line. Hit a stupid cone while three point turn, totally my fault I turned too late. The instructor came up to me and told me that I will NOT be penalized for re-positioning for the parallel parking. So I did a parallel parking and just to make that fucking perfect I re positioned 5 freaking time. The examiner actually counted each as a point. Later he told me that he said that he will not penalized BEFORE entering the cones. Now I dunno my brain didn’t comprehend right or he was just being an ass and abusing his power.

I cried all the way back home. I know it sounds foolish to many people but I cried like a little baby. My hubby was all going there is no reason to cry everyone fails. I don’t know how my brain is working, I can not stop re playing the whole driving test again and again in my mind and all I can do is get angry.

I have another test this SAT morning. I can not afford to fail that one. My brain is going nuts any ways after failing this one. Hope there is a way I can stop my brain. It is a small thing but it is big for me. Passing the test is the key to my independence and the certificate that when I work hard I should get rewarded.