No Bipolar in a bipolar’s life

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I don’t know coming back right before the World Bipolar Day is a good idea or not but coming back to the blog on the first day of spring certainly is. Something about the sun shining and the green grass reminds me of writing a blog and getting in touch with this wonderful world where everyone supports each other and word hard to fight stigma.

I myself struggled a lot to write. I wanted to stay away from bipolar. Far far away from it. So far I have been successful at it. I am enjoying a bipolar free life. I don’t talk bipolar, I don’t write bipolar and I don’t worry bipolar. I just take my medicines on time and that is it. Oh yeah I do get maniac, but I pass that off as my thing. That is just me. I do get depressed, I blame it on someone else. Is that healthy. I don’t think my therapist would agree. “S” is great and I am glad I found her. In fact I am writing this as a part of my homework from my therapy session.

Being away from bipolar world has been good for me. It has made me see myself more than a crazy old patient. I can myself as a mom. I can see myself as a wife and I can see myself as myself. I can focus on my weight loss, my makeup, my jewelry and finally what the hell I want to do with my life.

I never did a job in my life. I hate doing the house work and so me and my husband decided that it is time that I can go ahead and look for a job. I can may be start by writing a good Resume and then applying for job here and there. I have no experience of working what so ever so it can be hard finding a job. However I think it is worth the try. I do not wanna die knowing that all I did in my life was load the dishwasher.

I am not too sure if I will be writing more or not but writing today was nice and fun. Let me see how things go on and how a bipolar woman strives to live a bipolar free life. Some might think its a life of denial, I on the other hand am loving it…

About Zephyr

I am a mom of one cute little boy. I have a great husband who is extremely supportive. I just like to write stuff that comes to my mind. I am also bipolar so yah i struggle everyday a lot

3 responses »

  1. I am so glad to hear you are doing well. May it continue!

  2. I hear you. Now that I’m better “balanced”, I have to force myself to share my journey. I have lived it for so long with so much baggage, I feel I must have something to contribute in talking freely about mental illness. I take long breaks between blogs so that I don’t get so trapped inside my head. Not go for my blogging venture but definitely good for my health.


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